Introduction to Health & Social Care Including Standards and Legislation: The care sector is a dynamic and ever changing field. Staff working in this area need to be aware of the legislative framework and good practice guidelines driving the sector, and have an understanding of the legal, social and moral obligations inherent in their role. This course provides participants with a broad range of information relating to key legislation, the care standards and human rights considerations. In addition to this it provides practical skills relating to the direct care of supported individuals.
After this half day course staff will:
- Be aware of the history and present structure of the health and social care sector
- Understand the National Care Standards
- Be aware of the SSSC and Care Inspectorate roles
- Understand the legislation that underpins good practice within care
- Be aware of the values and principles of the new Self Directed Support legislation
- Be introduced to the concept of risk enablement
- Show understanding of the personalisation agenda and its impact on practice