Terms & Conditions For Private, Company and On-Site Courses Bookings
- All contracts for Courses shall be made subject to these Conditions unless expressly varied in writing and signed by an Executive Director on behalf of Emcare.
- All bookings for a Course must be supported by a confirmation email.
Emcare warrants that:
- Courses supplied hereunder will be conducted in a professional manner in accordance with generally recognised practices and standards;
- It will provide appropriately qualified and experienced instructor(s) and consultant(s) to deliver Courses using suitable Course Materials.
- Prices quoted are inclusive of tuition, Course Materials, assessment where applicable, and certification.
- The price does not include any lunch (unless varied in writing), travel, accommodation or living expenses, which the Delegate may incur in attending the Course.
- Prices quoted exclude VAT or other sales taxes, which will be added.
- Companies using Emcare services shall be responsible for the candidates that they provide. Companies who do not provide candidates who are physically capable of completing the course shall forfeit that candidate’s fee.
- Companies will be invoiced prior to training. Invoices may or may not reference Purchase Order details depending on information given at time of the confirmation.
- Emcare’s payment terms are 30 days from the date of invoice, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Where payment terms are breached i.e. if no payment has been made 37 days or more from the date of invoice, then Emcare reserves the right to use a debt collection agent to collect all sums of money outstanding, at which point the client will be held liable for all costs associated with collection.
- Please note that certificates will be held until full payment of invoicing has been received unless otherwise agreed.
- Individual’s not booking through Companies will be invoiced prior to training and payment must be received 1 week prior to the course. Emcare reserves the right to cancel all provisional bookings held by individuals if payment has not been received at least 1 week prior to the course start date.
- The Customer may substitute a Delegate(s) prior to the start of the Open Course at no additional charge subject to the new Delegate(s) meeting the published prerequisites (see clause 7)
- The Customer may change the date of attendance of a Delegate or cancel attendance at an Open Course subject to the following scale of charges.
- In house course transfers or cancellations are subject to the following scale of charges.
Emcare Open Courses
For all open course bookings you can transfer your training dates if necessary. Transfer & cancellation rates are detailed as follows:
Transfer and Cancellation Fees
Notice to be given by the Customer to Emcare
1st Time Transfer Fee
(to any instance of training)
Subsequent Transfer
> 7 working days before event
3 -7 working days before event
Admin fee
1-2 working days before event
Admin fee
Admin fee
On the day
Admin fee
No notice given
Admin fee
Transfer of bookings
- For subsequent changes to the same order the rates provided above apply.
- New open course dates must be confirmed within 2 weeks of the transfer notification to Emcare.
- Admin fees – An administration fee for changing your booking may apply as detailed above. Please email info@emcare.co.uk or call 0141 404 0075 for details.
On Site Courses
We ask that clients give us as much notice as possible for changes to bookings. The following rates apply for changes and cancellations.
Transfer and Cancellation Fees
Notice to be given by the Customer to Emcare:
Transfer Fee
Cancellation Fee
7-14 working days before event
Admin fee
3 -7 working days before event
1-2 working days before event
On the day
An administration fee of £10 will be applied for replacement certificates. This will include standard 1st class postage. Where special delivery/ recorded postage is requested then the fee for this will be applied.
Emcare Ltd reserves the right to cancel or change a Course and undertakes to provide reasonable notice of the cancellation or change. Note that this undertaking does not apply in relation to third party courses run in association with partner organisations.
- Copyright and all other intellectual property rights in all Course Materials shall remain the property of Emcare or the trading partner of Emcare responsible for developing the Course Material, as the case may be.
- The Customer agrees not to reproduce, sell, hire or copy Course Materials (in whole or in part) and not to use such materials except for the purposes of internal post Course reference.
- Emcare’s entire liability and that of its employees and consultants and the Customer’s sole remedies in respect of any claim under this contract or otherwise shall be limited to damages which, save as otherwise provided, shall be limited to the value of any fees payable for any Course booked.
- Nothing in this contract shall limit or exclude Emcare’s liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Emcare’s or its employees in the performance of any of its obligations under this contract.
- Emcare’s will under no circumstances be liable to the Customer for any loss of profits howsoever caused, loss of goodwill or business interruption.
- Emcare, its employees, agents and consultants shall not be liable for any and all liability and loss, damages, costs, legal costs, professional and other expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by the Customer whether direct or consequential (including but without limitation any economic loss or other loss of profits, business or goodwill) arising out of any dispute or contractual, tortious or other claims or proceedings brought against the Customer by any third party claiming relief against the Customer by reason of the use to which the instruction and advice obtained on any Course is put by the Customer or by any party with the authority of the Customer.
9.1 Emcare Solutions Ltd’s entire liability and that of its employees and consultants and the Customer’s sole remedies in respect of any claim under this contract or otherwise shall be limited to damages which, save as otherwise provided, shall be limited to the value of any fees payable for any Course booked.
9.2 Nothing in this contract shall limit or exclude Emcare Solutions Ltd’s liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Emcare Solutions Ltd or its employees in the performance of any of its obligations under this contract.
9.3 Emcare Solutions Ltd will under no circumstances be liable to the Customer for any loss of profits howsoever caused, loss of goodwill or business interruption.
9.4 Emcare Solutions Ltd, its employees, agents and consultants shall not be liable for any and all liability and loss, damages, costs, legal costs, professional and other expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by the Customer whether direct or consequential (including but without
limitation any economic loss or other loss of profits, business or goodwill) arising out of any dispute or contractual, tortious or other claims or proceedings brought against the Customer by any third party claiming relief against the Customer by reason of the use to which the instruction and advice obtained on any Course is put by the Customer or by any party with the authority of the Customer.
- Personal belongings and items belonging to or in the possession of the Customer or any Delegate brought onto Emcare’s premises are the sole responsibility of the owner and Emcare accepts no responsibility for such items.
- Delegates using any car parking facilities provided at any Emcare’s premises do so entirely at their own risk and Emcare does not accept any responsibility for damage, accident or loss resulting from such usage.
- Emcare are not responsible for and cannot be held liable for accidental damage to Customer property used during on site first aid courses.
If you are not satisfied with the service you have received you have the right to complain. Please contact: The Managing Director, Emcare, Atlantic House, 45 Hope Street, Glasgow G2 6AE, Telephone: 0141 404 0075, Email:info@emcare.co.uk.
Terms and Conditions version 2.0 – Updated 3 February 2016