The Learners will be refreshed in their understanding of Autism. An online autism awareness course must have been completed prior to attendance. The remainder of the course is looking at self stimulatory and self regulatory behaviours in the context of our every day world and on the context of autistic spectrum disorder.
Associated behaviors that challenge will be discussed and pro and re-active strategies explored as a method of management.
This course has been developed with reference to the current Scottish Government Strategy for Autism, The National Care Standards and the Human Rights Act 1998.
On completion of the course the delegate should:
- Be refreshed in your understanding of Autism
- Gain an understanding of the use of stimulatory, repetitive and regulating behaviours.
- Understand the importance and value of observation techniques.
- Gain an understanding of joint attention and explore the use of this.
- Understand the use of pro and reactive strategies in relation to risk enablement and behaviours that challenge