If your company employs 5 or more people you are required by law to have a written Health and Safety Policy under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. This further extends under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, requiring employers to carry out and document risk assessments.
Emcare’s team of Health, Safety, Environmental & Fire Consultants can provide cost effective solutions across all business sectors to ensure you meet your legal regulatory requirements.
Emcare will match your business sector with the knowledge and experience of our consultants to ensure you are provided with a support structure that is the best possible fit for your business.
We always aim to deliver pro-active workable solutions for our clients.
Listed below are details of the Health & Safety consultancy services that we can provide:
- Assistance with Health & Safety Pre-qualification Questionnaires
- Full desk top Health, Safety, Environmental & Fire Gap Analysis
- Development of your Health & Safety Policy
- Risk Assessments & Method Statements
- Fire Risk Assessments
- Environmental Aspects & Impacts Assessments
- Consultancy support throughout the year to meet your needs
- Noise Assessments
- HAVS Assessments
- Guidance on your responsibilities under the LOLER Regulations
- Assistance with Incident Investigations
- Audits & Inspections
- Development and maintenance of management systems including ISO 9001 Quality Standard, ISO 14001 Environmental Standard, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Standard