Did you know?
The Health & Safety Executive who govern health and safety in the UK have an area on their web site where they post up to the minute consultations. They are encouraging employers to get involved.
Their latest update in relation to asbestos regulation.
Current consultations
CD285 – Consultation on proposals to amended Control of Asbestos Regulations (2012)
HSE is consulting on a proposal to change regulation 22 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012). The change involves increasing the interval by one year with which licensed asbestos workers are required to attend for medical examination. In brief, those undertaking licensed work with asbestos would be required to undergo medical examination by an HSE-appointed doctor every three years. Consultation began on 2 October 2017 and ends on 30 October 2017
Visit www.HSE.gov.uk for up to the minute information in health and safety. Newly published are the HSEs plans for health and safety going forward, Fatal Injury Statistics and Mesothelioma Statistics for the UK.